Prima USA Travel

Title: Marketing Coordinator
Timeline: October 2021–present
Software: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom, Premiere Pro
Website Platforms: Wix, Editor X
Other Services: MailChimp, Amazon Seller Central (A+ Content, Premium A+ Content, Amazon Posts), Syndigo Enhanced Content (syndicated to Macy’s, Walmart, Best Buy, and Home Depot)
Ads Buying: Meta, Google Ads, LinkedIn, Best Buy CA

After a harrowing 2020 (and half of 2021), the travel industry seems to have bounced back. Those who regretted not traveling more before the pandemic hit decided to go out and experience the world. The old adage turns out to be true yet again: we don’t know what we’ve got till it’s gone.

Prima USA Travel designs and manufactures suitcases, bags, and other travel paraphernalia under several brands: American Green Travel, Puíche, AMKA, and Vino Via.

Here are some of the major projects I’ve done for Prima:

  1. Main website ( redesign, migration (from Squarespace to Wix), and maintenance. Maintenance includes writing blogs, updating necessary pages for trade shows, and making sure listings are updated.
  2. Lifestyle photos and videos update. These are used for various outlets, including on the brand websites, social media channels, and ecommerce channels such as Amazon, Macy’s and Best Buy.
  3. Press outreach. This includes writing and posting press releases and contacting members of the media.
  4. Bi-weekly B2B email campaign with Mailchimp.
  5. Brand websites (Vino Via, Puíche, and American Green Travel) redesign, copywriting, and maintenance. Please click on the options below to see my work on each brand.
  6. Ad purchases on Meta, Google, and LinkedIn. & Blog

The original was made on Squarespace. We wanted to have a new website that served as a catalog and included product pages with the “add to cart” button turned off.

After my experience with Shopify for Mono B Retail, Wix proved to be a better solution since it offers the ability to turn off the “add to cart” button, more design freedom, and a better-looking blog without needing to pay extra for add-ons.

Apart from drafting, writing, creating content (including product descriptions and FAQs), and taking lifestyle photos and videos, I also write their blog posts. These posts help with SEO and are cross-posted with our biweekly email campaigns.

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